Spot on analysis. But what's really crazy about all this is that we are doing it to ourselves. We didn't lose a war, or go through a huge economic decline. Trump got in because most working-class White Americans are clueless bigots. And they, along with almost all the rest, don't give a rat's ass about the rest of the world. Hell, most of them couldn't find Greenland, the Gulf of Mexico or the Panama Canal on an unmarked map!

So the U.S. is at the beginning of a whole series of self-inflicted defeats in foreign policy that will completely destroy what was until now a pretty solid rules-based governance of the most advanced portions of the world - a rules-based system that has been central to our country's economic dominance and security since WWII. The international (dis)order is rolling back to what it was in the late 19'th century, but this time with nukes. This is not security. This is disaster!

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Excellent analysis, especially the paragraph about slippery slopes becoming cliffs.

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A fine and lively summary!

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Well in true fashion Trump is trying snatch defeat from the clutches of victory by having no clue about geopolitics, appointing yes men to advise him on geopolitics and painting Zelensky and Ukraine as the aggressors while praising his mentor, Putin. War always generates the most uncertainty because it pushes the humans involved to extreme limits making their path unpredictable. Taking the Yalta script to impose imperial control over Ukraine while trying to yield results which he can claim as a resounding success, in dealing with Putin, may prove highly illusive and frustrating. I wonder what Trump will think when Zelensky tells him "no" to his face. In the meantime Trump is doing his best to wreck the US and Worldwide economy while keeping his only real measuring stick for success, the Stock Market, elevated. With events yet to unfold, the fight over the debt ceiling, the budget, the Fed, tariffs, tossing immigrants, the loss of softpower (USAID) could all work together to destroy confidence in the dollar, the US economy and the American people worldwide. Why would any company move manufacturing operations into this governance and economic mess that Trump is creating?

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I heard the EU is assembling a committee to evaluate the reallocation of existing US bases in Europe for use by a pan-European army.

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He is a Russian asset in every action he has done. Not sure he could do anything more Russian spy like, maybe even speak Russian? How would the CIA even counter it. Are CIA agents part of the cult also?? Allegiance to the Constitution vs the commander and chief. If La Carre wrote it, it would seem to fantastical. Felon Nerd Stumpy Spy. (Rubio is Stumpy).

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This is not the end. But it may be the beginning of the end.

You can always find a good quote by a British Prime Minister or a British Admiral. In this case, I covered both bases because Winston Churchill was a famous Prime Minister who was twice the civilian head of the Admiralty.

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It’s almost as though Putin has a Manchurian candidate in the WH. It’s bad enough that the Presidency has been compromised by Trump but the fact that all the miscreants, reptiles, mouthbreathers and Dunning Kruger specimens rushed to aid Trump in his destructive activities is puzzling. Hopefully we can fast forward to the bunker scene and Nuremberg Trials.

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Almost ?

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